BIC New Razor Launch Event!

It is always exciting to be a part of a new product launch. It is even more exciting when it is with an actress from one of your favorite shows, Annie Murphy (Alexis!) of Schitt’s Creek, and a hilarious comedian, Eric Andre. That was the case recently when we were asked to help BIC launch a very cool new razor, the EasyRinse, at the IronVenue in New York City. It was a really fun event with the space decked out to resemble a shower and Annie and Andre keeping things lively. The event was open to the public and packed. Guests could receive a complimentary leg arm, face, or neck shave and went home with a great custom-initialed gift bag including Bic’s new EasyRinse razor of course. Check them out, great shave, and no more razor clog!

Teacher Appreciation Week

How often have you looked at all that a teacher does and said “That is the hardest job!” I know I have many times. Teachers are truly incredible. They possess such an amazing combination of dedication, patience, compassion, and caring. And of course, they play such a vital role in the growth and development of our children. It is one of those jobs like law enforcement, firemen, and nurses, where I feel like the people give a lot more than they get. So without a doubt, an appreciation week is the least we can do for our wonderful teachers. 

We have done several Teacher Appreciation events over the years and it is one of my favorite kinds of events we do. We will set up shop in a room and offer a variety of mobile services like manicures, hand massages, or chair massages. The teachers will come in when they can and get a service. It makes for a really relaxing, rejuvenating break in their often busy, stress-filled day. The best part of the day is how much the teachers appreciate being appreciated. 

So to all the teachers out there from everyone here at Primp Events, an enormous thank you to you and everything you do. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Brand Activations

We recently partnered with Sally Hansen, a leading (and awesome!) nail care brand, to help them launch a new press on nail to the public. Our manicurists boarded a custom mobile spa truck and made stops around New York City introducing people to this new Sally Hansen product. It was a lot of fun! People loved getting on the bus, loved getting a complimentary service and really loved Sally Hansen’s new press on nail—which is quick to apply and looks fabulous on. There are over 20 new nail designs to select from and within minutes you can have a new set of nails. 

Product demonstrations are one of the events that make me most most proud. These are important moments for a brand and getting a new product out there in the right way is critical. It means a lot that a brand entrusts us to help them do it. And we really play an important role from providing the service, to creating a positive experience, to educating consumers on the product.  Our ability to do that is all because of our amazing team that is experienced and talented, and also really nice. So all in all, it was great event with Sally Hansen, and we were honored as always to be part of it.


We provide mobile spa services for a wide range of clients from schools and hospitals, to film and TV, to fortune 500 companies throughout New York. One quintessential New York experience for us was working at Fashion Week for a major brand.

We were asked to show up at the theater pre-sunrise for a 3 pm show. When we walked through the door there was already lots of activity with the crew setting up the stage and lighting. We were then led downstairs and through a set of doors where we were greeted with an explosion of models, hair stylists, makeup artists, producers, and photographers mixing, mingling, and working. The place was rocking! It was electric and exciting and let's just say I did not need coffee that morning. Within minutes we were part of it and spent the next six hours helping each model get ready for the show.

Just as the show was about to start, I scampered off to find a good place to watch. It was magical. All these stunning women with hair two feet above their heads walk the celebrity-lined runway with great music blasting and fantastic lights sparkling above. And then in two minutes, the show was over. And I will tell you what, it was an amazing two minutes that I will always remember.

Valentine's Day Special Gift

Valentine's Day is the perfect time to show your loved ones how much you care. While chocolates, flowers, and jewelry are always a nice gesture, consider something a little more unique and indulgent this year.

Mobile Spa services are a luxurious and relaxing way to treat your loved ones without having to step outside. From Facials to Manicures and Pedicure services, there are many different on-location spa services available to choose from. Mobile Chair massage services are popular and performed while you are seated in a specially designed chair. This type of massage is perfect for people who have limited time or mobility, and it is a great way to give your loved one a mini-vacation from the stresses of daily life. Continue to pamper your darling with manicures and pedicures! Not only will they look and feel great, but having a manicure and pedicure can also improve the health of their nails.

And lastly, enhance their natural features and achieve a desired look with make-up and hair services. A professional makeup artist can help to create a flawless look following the latest trends and styles. You can arrange for all the mobile services together, or separately. Either way, your loved one is sure to appreciate the thought and care that you put into their gift. Love is in the air, and all relaxed and beautiful, you are now ready for a special Valentine's Day dinner!

Professional Athlete Footcare Event!

Most people think of pedicures as a beauty treatment but they are a lot more than that. Recently, a men’s professional sports team engaged us to perform pedicures for their players and it made all the sense in the world. Teams invest so much money in their players, and their feet are a big part of that investment. Almost everything they, or any athlete does — running, jumping, pivoting, dodging — starts with their feet. So keeping them healthy is essential and pedicures are a great way to do it.

We have to admit we were pretty amazed at some of the feet we saw. First their size, up to size 17!!! But also how neglected they were. Dead and dry skin, overgrown toenails, and lots of wear and tear from the pounding they take. Pedicures were just what they needed. A relaxing pedicure included soaking the feet in warm water, exfoliating dead skin, cutting and shaping nails, and moisturizing skin. There was also massaging of the leg and foot which helped improve circulation, reduce foot pain, and relax muscles. It can also help athletes’ feet recover faster after a workout or game.

The men loved their pedicures and you could see they really noticed the difference. Especially for them, who compete at such a high level, taking good care of their feet is so important. But also for any athlete who wants to perform at their peak, pedicures are a simple way to keep your feet in top condition and avoid potential issues. And yes, they do keep your feet beautiful, too.

Northwell Hospital Event

For the past 12 years, we have worked with an amazing range of clients from major brands to small start ups. One  experience that had special meaning was working alongside Northwell Hospital in showing their gratitude to thousands of their staff whose heroic efforts over the last few years have been remarkable. We activated two mobile salon and spa pop-ups trucks across their network with on-site spa booths where everyone could enjoy services like manicures, haircuts and chair massages. Over three weeks, we traveled to 26 hospitals, in 26 cities performing thousands of services. It was truly an honor helping Northwell do something extraordinary for their staff and a blast seeing the smiles it brought to their faces.

CDI, LLC tech summit with special guest Molly Bloom!

If you were fortunate enough to be at the CDI, LLC tech summit in NYC recently, you got to hear a fantastic talk from guest speaker, entrepreneur Molly Bloom of "Molly's Game” and you also got to enjoy some wonderful mobile spa services from Primp Events. We were asked to come in, set a great tone, and help make it a really special day for everyone. Guests were able to partake in stunning makeovers, relaxing chair massages, and gorgeous manicures or hand massages. The services were a huge hit! And a great prelude to Molly’s inspiring talk. The chair massages help you unwind and forget about the stresses in your life and manicures and make-up leave you feeling great about yourself. All in all it made for a really enjoyable and memorable day for all who attended.

Some benefits of adding spa services to your recruiting events.

We recently had the pleasure of helping Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) with a recruiting event. We brought in chair massages, manicures, and hand massages to help their candidates feel relaxed and welcome as they learned about PwC and got to know other potential candidates. Everyone loved the services and more importantly they set a great tone and made for a comfortable atmosphere where it was easy for people to engage with each other. The result was lots of great dialogue between the candidates, the recruiters and the PwC team members who were there to talk about their experiences at the company. As we all know company culture is a very important consideration and every candidate left that day with a positive feeling about PwC, not to mention some loose backs and pretty nails.

Holiday season all the way!

From getting presents for friends and family to looking great for parties, one of the most important parties of the season is a fun Holiday party for the office. It is always great to give back to your employees and put together a special event for them to enjoy. Here are some suggestions for a great party:

Mobile Spa Party

Everyone loves relaxing time for the holidays with their families and friends. Why not do the same for your office Holiday party? Have your staff enjoy a special celebration with a relaxing chair massage. Thanks to the Mobile Chair Massage services, it can come directly to you! If your company has a dress code, we recommend a dress-down day paired with a Mobile Spa party in your office. Let this be their special time for pampering.

Elegant Party

Want to throw a classy and sophisticated party? Beauty touches like mobile hand massages and mobile manicures could be a great addition to a Holiday event. It is all about feeling and looking your best!

Holiday Costume Party but make it classy

Holiday Costume Party opens so many fun opportunities to try out new styles and characters on yourself! Makeup and hair ideas? Leave it to us! Our professional makeup artists and hair stylist team can make all your wild dreams come true and make your party unforgettable!

Happy Holidays! Let the Primping begin!


Happy Thanksgiving! We want to wish you a wonderful day. We know you are probably busy prepping your turkey or putting together a delicious pecan pie, but is it time to think about everything we are grateful for this year? Gratitude makes your mind, body & soul smile! Your smile makes you beautiful! Feeling beautiful means glowing inside and out!

Think about amazing things and memories in your life

We should keep them in our hearts, for this Thanksgiving and every day!

Stay positive!

Create a positive meaning for all the circumstances in your life. In every situation there is always something positive, we just need to look for it.

Stay in peace with your words and thoughts!

Try to condition your mind to focus and hold on to good things. Spa days and meditations are the oases of peace in a busy life!

Be kind to yourself!

It is the little things, kind words to yourself. One day you will look back and realize they were the big things. Love your body, pamper it! You deserve to feel your best all the time.

Enjoy every moment, smile, and stay your beautiful self!


Primp in Home

Beauty Party Prep!

It is party season and time to shine! There is no better way to get into the festive spirit, than with glowing skin and great mood!

So here are a few quick tips to help you look fresh, and healthy is ready for your next night out.

  • Hands, Feet, Nails ✔️

I usually get mani-pedi a day or two before the event to make sure my nails are pristine and chip-free. As for my heels, I go with a quick in-home foot mask, it helps to keep dryness and flakiness at bay.

  • Get your Hair Ready for Styling ✔️

Sometimes it is hard to get the desired volume and texture for your hair on the day of the party so try washing your hair the night before your event. It saves so much time and creates a perfect base for hairstyling.

  • Relax and get ready for fun ✔️

Enjoy this pre-party night. A bath or shower to rinse off before my event always makes me feel fresh. Pamper your skin with a good face mask or facial cream.


If you can already smell the turkey, apple pie, and cranberry sauce, it is Party Season! The question of the month is what do I wear for Thanksgiving Dinner Party or should I just enjoy my dinner plate in bed?

Here are a few fashion choices I consider this year.

The classic sweater, jeans, and booties

This perfectly summarises: stylish yet comfortable, to be prepared for all of the running around and Turkey Dinner craziness.

A fall dress with boots

That is a great option if you all planning to enjoy all of the dinner goodies. The dress will allow you to breathe and move after the last bite you take.

Oversized Collard Shirt

Vintage is so in trend right now and I love it! You can pair this feminine shirt with a pair of darker color jeans.

Sweater Vest

Another great Thanksgiving outfit idea! Vests have been popular for a while now and it is super easy to style with a button-up or a turtleneck.

Plaid Blazer

Keeping it classy! The gorgeous statement as a Plaid Balzer is something elegant yet chic and approachable.

So what is it going to be? A family dinner, a party with friends or a stay at home kind of day?

Fall Trends.

Bye Spooky mood, we are ready for new makeup trends!

While we will always enjoy the timeless neutral palette and the natural beauty look, consider breaking from your usual routine and dive into bright tones! Everyone can find something that illustrates their personality. Ranging from delicate and feminine tones to eye-catching bright and bold hues!

Smokey Eyes! Smokey eyes are always in style, as they really should be! Smoked-out eyes are sexy, sensual and goes perfectly with with simple nude gloss.

Blush Party! Forget about barely visible contouring and try creamy, rich blush. This year, pink cheeks and temples are really popular. Some people even use lipsticks to achieve the desired smooth and silky appearance.

Metallic Eyeshadow! It is a remarkably simple way to add a touch of sparkle and shine to your look. By the way, celebrities love this look this season!

Fall is one of our favorite seasons, and we hope you enjoy trying out these cute fall cosmetics ideas that we intend to use for ourselves.

Halloween Makeup!

It is almost Halloween so it is time to get ready! Most people think costumes and candy but we think MAKEUP! A great Halloween costume is not complete without makeup. Thankfully, it is easier than you think.

Halloween is the rare occasion when people won't bat an eye if you wear strange, extravagant makeup. It is the only time of year that you can use anything and anything, wild contact lenses, glitter, and fake blood. Seriously, everything works when we talk about Halloween makeup. Remember that bright red lipstick in your collection that you never had a chance to wear, well that might be just the right time to try something bold!

The most important tip is: make sure to stick to the long-wear makeup, nothing is more terrifying than make-up that does not last all night.

A good idea is to use an inspirational photo. Using one is helpful, as well as a trial run beforehand. It always turns out better the second time around. Professional stylists and makeup artists can help you be the star of the Halloween party this year.

Do you know what you are going to be this Halloween? If you need help bringing your costume to life, let our make-up team at Primp help you.

Destress Employees with these Affordable & Great Event Benefits

Numerous studies show that job stress is far and away the major source of stress for American adults.

Employee Wellness Events can help alleviate stress in the workspace.

  • We all need a break! During a demanding workweek, a 10-minute break to unwind and recharge can seem impossible, especially when you need it most. It is simple to access physical, mental, and emotional wellness right at your office with corporate chair massages.

  • Create an amazing atmosphere. Employees spend a lot of time with their co-workers. The more they enjoy it, the happier the workplace will be. A Wellness Event could be a great opportunity and atmosphere for employees to come together and a great productivity booster for the entire office.

  • There is always something for everyone! Everyone can be pampered with different services, including Chair Massages, Mini-Facials, Manicures, Pedicures as well as Hair Styling and Make-Up demonstrations. Even a 5-minute hand massage works wonders.

  • Event packages can reduce your overall expenses.


I really do love Fall, especially in New York City. There are so many seasonal events, hidden parks, and unique experiences you can only enjoy for a few months each year. I love sweater weather, scarves, comfort food, leather boots, and coffee in my favorite mug. But I need to confess, there is one thing I have trouble getting excited about. It is Pumpkin Spice Lattes. The warm cozy Fall in a cup just does not do it for me.

But in my makeup!? That’s a different story. I love Pumpkin Spice makeup — the famous mix of spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and allspice.

First prep your skin with your favorite moisturizer ( recommend SPF) and let's dive in!

  • Start with priming your lids to help eye makeup go on smoother and last longer. Use a fluffy brush and a light shade as a transition into the crease.

  • Apply a slightly darker shade into the crease using a blending brush

( use a fluffy blending brush after each step to make sure everything is seamless)

  • Then apply a dark shade ( deep orange or brown) to the outer corner of the eyelid. Blend and build it up until it's as vibrant as you want it to be.

  • With the wet/dry eye brush apply shimmer eyeshadow to the center and inner third of the lids, taking it close to the inner corners. You want to make sure to blend everything in the outer corner for a smooth transition.

  • Using the crease and blend brush, apply darker shade eyeshadow across the lower lash line. Blend out using windshield-wiping motions all the way across.

  • Time for a liner! Apply dark brown or black eyeliner pencil to the lash line, then use a brush to smooth it out after applying and wing it out a bit.

  • Add your favorite mascara and a quick brush to your eyebrows

  • Enjoy your smokin-hot Pumpkin Spice Latte Makeup look!

Fall Nail Care

One of the best ways to express your love for the fall is to dive into the array of Autumn​​ nail polish colors. Orange, green or brown can shine differently when you go with fun trendy nail polish. The leaves on the trees are changing and here we come with deep teal, forest green, gothic white, dusty red, or milk chocolate! I also like to make sure my nails are a part of my new fall beauty routine.​​ Just like our skin is affected by colder weather, so are our nails. Thick lotion or oils is my go-to, to save my nails from getting brittle or breaking.​​

As much as I love to experiment with fun nail colors in the fall, I always let my nails breathe and recover from my obsession with nail polish. Just a few days of rest can do the trick and do not forget to moisturize the nails during these breaks.

Considering all the changes from the outside (temperature and humidity level) we might want to give ourselves some help from within. There are so many good foods full of calcium, iron, and antioxidants for nail strength and growth. Make sure to include dark, leafy greens, like spinach, broccoli, kale, and collard greens in your diet. And no matter the weather we are ready to shine!

Is Your Skin Ready For Fall?

It is officially Fall! The season of pumpkin spice lattes, caramel apples, sweaters, spooky ghosts and... dry skin?! Here are some suggestions to take care of your skin and some new daily skin care practices to try.

As you may know, your skin's hydration is directly impacted by the air moisture content. So it is easier to maintain smooth, plump, and healthy skin in the summer when it is warmer and more humid. In the summer, we also tend to eat healthier and exercise more, which promotes blood flow and keeps our skin healthy. In the transition months like September, skin loses a lot of moisture in the environment when the air is less humid. Here are a few tips to transition your skincare routine from summer to fall without causing a skin freak out.

-Continue to use your Sunscreen! The amount of UV radiation you are exposed to from the sun is not always correlated with the temperature outside. Keep your skin protected!

-Easy on exfoliation! Exfoliating is great for removing dead skin cells and smoothing out the skin, but over-exfoliation can irritate the skin, especially when it is exposed to harsher weather.

-Moisturize, but extra! Switch those lightweight gel moisturizers to something more dense and creamy. When the air is cold your skin barrier may need extra help from a richer consistency moisturizer.

Come fall, we have prepared a skincare mini makeover and maybe it is time for a new wardrobe, too!

Washing Your Makeup Off is So Important!

If you are as fascinated with beauty as me, then it is likely that you are constantly searching for methods and products that will keep your skin radiant and healthy no matter how much makeup you wear. Everyone agrees that taking off your makeup at night is a must. Undoubtedly, you have had some of those nights when you are simply too tired to even consider washing your face and brushing your teeth. However, it's not a good idea to go to bed wearing makeup and proper makeup removal should be a part of your nightly routine.

- The same cosmetics that helped you conceal wrinkles and fine lines the night before can set in overnight and leave your skin looking dry and tired in the morning.

-Most cosmetics will clog your pores, especially if used continuously. When you take off your makeup before bed, you give your skin a chance to breathe while you sleep, but when you wear full makeup to bed, it continues to clog the pores and eventually leads to breakouts and acne.

Try to follow three simple steps: Skin Cleaner, Foaming Cleanser, and Toning.

Important Tip! Avoid using hot water since it will dry up your skin by washing it of its natural oils. Cold water is also not recommended because it won't allow your pores to open. I advise using lukewarm water to rinse off your cleanser.